Saturday, July 5, 2008

hi everyone,

today it is time for a new post. We have done a lot and I feel I am getting used to the weather. It is a bit hard to estimate how hot it is because everything is in Fahrenheit degrees, just like the miles and the pounds are different.
So far, everything has been great. It is nice to get to know Phil's family better, and I even met many (many!) cousins and aunts and uncles and also Phil's grandparents on the 4th of July, which is one of the biggest holidays here. It is probably comparable to queensday in the Netherlands, but then there is a massive parade instead of a fleemarket. We were even in the parade (which is kinda like the Dutch avond vierdaagse on its last day, with marching bands, etc), because the whole family was handing out vans with the information on the company of Phil's parents.  
Phil, me and his sisters have picked over 17 kilo's of strawberries. We have been out on the boat of Phil's parents. Their house, by the way, is massive, has a small private beach to it and lies in a really nice green area! I have driven a car (while it is not allowed, we found out), went shopping in a massive mall (everything is has a bit lower price then here, and is on top of it in dollars! so that is really nice). Yesterday morning, we had a hot air baloon ride over the area, which was super nice. I saw some town and one of the twin-cities. The food has also been good, this morning I had blue-berry-pancakes for breakfast, so that was special.  I really appreciate that there is usually a way for me to eat vegetarian even. 
The people so far, have been nothing but cheerful and friendly (especially waiters and shopping-personal is incomparable to their Dutch counterparts), and it is nice to get a chance to correct our Dutch stereotypes of Americans. Yesterday, at the 4th of July, phil had an uncle and aunt over that have a 20 year old son who will leave to Iraq with the army in a few days. It lets you see a different side of the story when you get to talk to people like that, who are actually experiencing this war in reality. 
We have many more plans, and his parents have warned me for the camping trip that is comming up (1 week of hiking and canoeing with only 2x a shower, and all food will be dried or powdered). But for now, I will just try to get some pictures up here so you guys can see.
I hope you are having a good time and nice weather too, have a hertog jan or a broodje kaas for me,
love sacha


saar said...

heej sas ik comment even in het nederlands hoor.. leuk om te lezen dat je het naar je zin hebt! vet man in een luchtballon en alles!
en wel interassant dat je met die neef kon praten over irak, heb je het idee dat ze er in amerika op het nieuws minder over vertellen dan hier? ik bedoel dat ze een positiever plaatje krijgen? zal hier ook wel het geval zijn, maar toch daar ben ik wel benieuwd naar eigenlijk..( door die amerikaanse meiden die ik in finland ontmoette kreeg ik die indruk)

je bent meteen in het diepe gegooid wat familie betreft lees ik haha!
fijn dat ze allemaal bevallen en dat je het naar je zin hebt:)
en je eerste 4th of juli leukman!
pas een week of zo weg en al veel te vertellen, ik ben benieuw naar je verdere verhalen, wens je heel veel plezier en geef phil een knuffel van me:)
doeg lieverd!!

Unknown said...

Dear Sacha,
Thanks for the great pictures and wonderful stories to go with them!
It's all pretty impressive. I really envy you for the balloontrip! We slowly get ready for our departure for France, coming Friday. The weather is not too convincing here right now, hope it'll pick up laterthis week.
Give our regards to Phil and his folks. XXX Barbara

sacha said...

hi saar,
tuurlijk mag je in het nederlands reageren. Hoe gaat het met je stage? Vanavond komt er nog meer familie, dus ik zal nog eens onder gedompelt worden. Phil denkt trouwens niet dat er een verschil is qua nieuws berichtgeving, maar ik denk dat dat heel erg af hangt van welk nieuwsstation je bekijkt. Ik heb wel gemerkt dat het nieuws hier erg rond drama's wordt gecentreert. Dus veel ongelukken, verkrachtingen, rechtzaken etc. Wel zie ik trouwens veel stickers en vlaggen overal met verschillende teksten zoals "support our troops end the war'', dus het leeft wel echt.
Ik hoop dat met jou ook alles goed gaat lieverd,
liefs sas

sacha said...

hi mom,
your comment is of course also lovely,
have fun with your trip and getting ready.
love, sas
ps: phil's dad is halfway through the paul's article and we will also start soon (but are quite busy), the english is really good so far